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query "mCherry"


RDB13935pMK292 (mAID-mCherry2-NeoR)AtIAA17A plasmid for construction of C-terminal mAID-mCherry tagging donors.Arabidopsis thaliana
RDB15441mCherry-hCdt1(1/100)Cy(-)/pCSII-EFCDT1Lentivirus vector plasmid of mCherry-hCdt1(1/100)Cy(-). EF-1 alpha promoter.Homo sapiens
RDB13936pMK293 (mAID-mCherry2-Hygro)AtIAA17A plasmid for construction of C-terminal mAID-mCherry tagging donors.Arabidopsis thaliana
RDB20306pmCherry hPHB1PHB1Expression vector of human PHB1 fused to mCherry at C-terminus.Homo sapiens
RDB20289pcDNA5 alpha 2M-delta bait-RFP-GFP-HisA2MExpression vector of human alpha-2 macroglobulin without bait domain + RFP (mcherry) + GFP (sfGFP) + 6xHis tag at C-terminus. CMV&tet-on inducible, Flp-in vector (drived from pcDNA5 FRT TO).Homo sapiens
RDB20287pcDNA5 alpha 2M-RFP-GFP-HisA2MExpression vector of human alpha-2 macroglobulin + RFP (mcherry) + GFP (sfGFP) + 6xHis tag at C-terminus. CMV and tet-on inducible, Flp-in vector (drived from pcDNA5 FRT TO).Homo sapiens
AAV vector for coexpression of miniDq and KORD under the control of human synapsin promoter.Homo sapiens
AAV vector for miniDi expression under the control of human synapsin promoter.Homo sapiens
AAV vector for miniDq expression under the control of human synapsin promoter.Homo sapiens
RDB19394pYU98 pRS315-ADH1p-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the ADH1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. LEU2 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19393pYU97 pRS314-ADH1p-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the ADH1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. TRP1 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19392pYU96 pRS313-ADH1p-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the ADH1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. HIS3 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19391pYU95 pRS316-GPDp-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. URA3 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19390pYU94 pRS315-GPDp-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. LEU2 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19389pYU93 pRS314-GPDp-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. TRP1 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19388pYU92 pRS313-GPDp-mCherry-MCS-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. HIS3 marker. mCherry-tag at N-terminus.
RDB19379pYU83 pRS316-GPDp-MCS-mCherry-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. URA3 marker. mCherry-tag at C-terminus.
RDB19378pYU82 pRS315-GPDp-MCS-mCherry-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. LEU2 marker. mCherry-tag at C-terminus.
RDB19377pYU81 pRS314-GPDp-MCS-mCherry-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. TRP1 marker. mCherry-tag at C-terminus.
RDB19376pYU80 pRS313-GPDp-MCS-mCherry-CYC1terYeast expression vector with the GPD1 promoter and CYC1 terminator. HIS3 marker. mCherry-tag at C-terminus.

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