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query "Venus"


RDB08964RBP-J-VenusFluorescent reporter clone of Notch signal activation (transcriptional regulation by RBP-J)
RDB08515CSII-CMV-mKlf4-IRES-VenusKlf4Lentivirus vector plasmid of mouse Klf4 with Venus fluorescent protein marker driven by CMV promoter.Mus musculus
RDB08514CSII-CMV-mSox2-IRES-VenusSox2Lentivirus vector plasmid of mouse Sox2 with Venus fluorescent protein marker driven by CMV promoter.Mus musculus
RDB08513CSII-CMV-mOct3/4-IRES-VenusPou5f1Lentivirus vector plasmid of mouse Oct3/4 with Venus fluorescent protein marker driven by CMV promoter.Mus musculus
RDB08326CSIV-CMV-hc-Myc-IRES2-VenusMYCLentivirus vector plasmid of human MYC for generating iPS cells.Homo sapiens
RDB08325CSIV-CMV-hKlf4-IRES2-VenusKLF4Lentivirus vector plasmid of human KLF4 for generating iPS cells.Homo sapiens
RDB08324CSIV-CMV-hSox2-IRES2-VenusSOX2Lentivirus vector plasmid of human SOX2 for generating iPS cells.Homo sapiens
RDB08323CSIV-CMV-hOct3/4-IRES2-VenusPOU5F1Lentivirus vector plasmid of human OCT3/4 for generating iPS cells.Homo sapiens
RDB08118CSII-CMV-Venus-Mito-IRES2-BsdLentivirus vector plasmid of Venus fluorescent protein with mitochondria localization signal driven by CMV promoter.
RDB07550CSII-CMV-Venus-NLSLentivirus vector plasmid of Venus fluorescent protein with NLS driven by CMV promoter.
RDB07040VoxPlasmid clone to construct knock-in vectors
RDB05553CSII-CMV-VenusLentivirus vector plasmid of Venus fluorescent protein driven by CMV promoter.
RDB04383CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-VenusBackbone vector plasmid of lentivirus construct driven by CMV promoter with Venus fluorescent protein marker.
Lentivirus vector plasmid of mouse Oct3/4, Klf4 and Sox2 with Venus fluorescent protein marker driven by CMV promoter.Mus musculus
RDB08255CS-UbC-RfA-IRES2-VenusBackbone vector plasmid of lentivirus construct driven by UbC promoter by Gateway(R) cloning with Venus fluorescent protein marker.
RDB07992CSII-CMV-mc-Myc-IRES2-VenusMycLentivirus vector plasmid of mouse c-Myc with Venus fluorescent protein marker driven by CMV promoter.Mus musculus
RDB07563CSII-EF-Venus-NLSLentivirus vector plasmid of Venus fluorescent protein with NLS driven by human EF-1 alpha promoter.
RDB05965CS-CA-VenusLentivirus vector plasmid of Venus fluorescent protein driven by CAG promoter.

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