Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC10696
TypeTargeted MutationCartagena
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameB6.129P2-Aplf<tm1Okad>
Former Common nameAplf KO
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell lineE14K [129P2/OlaHsd]
Background strain
Strain developmentB6.129P2-Aplf<tm1Okad> has been established by H Okada. ES cell: 129/OlaBackcrossed to C57BL/6J including B6 male more than 10 times.Aplf-/- mice are viable with no gross abonormality and grow normally. Both male and female Aplf-/- mice are fertile. We have maintained the mouse colony by backcrossing Aplf+/- with B6J since previous reports suggested a functional link between Aplf and telomere function; however, several crosses between homozygotes did not affect fertility. Cellularity of B cell was slightly lower than wild-type mice. Aplf-/- mice showed moderately impaired C-NHEJ activity. Thus, irradiated mutant mice showed higher rates of p53-dependent cell death and fewer chromosomal translocations.
Strain descriptionAprataxin and PNKP-like factor (APLF, also referred to as Xip1, C2orf13, and PALF) is a poly(ADP-ribose) or PAR-binding protein that interacts with C-NHEJ repair factors, XRCC4-DNA ligase 4 and Ku, to facilitate C-NHEJ in a PAR polymerase 3 (PARP3)-dependent manner. APLF can undergo ATM- and PARP3-dependent phosphorylation at serine-116 following ionizing radiation (IR), which is critical for the recruitment of APLF to the sites of DNA lesion to resolve γH2AX DNA damage signals. Accumulation of APLF to DSBs has been demonstrated to promote the retention of XRCC4/DNA ligase 4 complex in chromatin to facilitate DNA ligation during C-NHEJ. Furthermore, a phospho-ablative mutant of APLF (APLFS116A), which disabled IR-induced phosphoryation at serine-116 of APLF, exhibited higher persistent γH2AX DNA damage signal and lower cellular survival in colony formation assays after IR exposure reminiscent of cells with APLF depletion. These data suggest that APLF works downstream of ATM and PARP3 to modulate C-NHEJ after IR treatment. A moderate reduction of C-NHEJ activity by the depletion of APLF impedes radiation-induced oncogenic translocation in normal tissues and malignancy-associated mortality.
Colony maintenance
ReferencesCell Death Dis., 7(10):e2401 (2016). 27711078

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack


Gene info
Gene symbolGene nameChr.Allele symbolAllele nameCommon namesPromoter
Aplfaprataxin and PNKP like factor6Aplf<tm1Okad>targeted mutation 1, Hitoshi Okada

Gene symbolGene nameChr.Allele symbolAllele nameCommon namesPromoter
neoneomycin resistance gene (E. coli)6mouse phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK promoter)

Ordering Information

供与核酸mouse PGK promoter, E. coli neomycin resistance gene, mouse polyA additional signal, mouse Aplf genomic DNA
Research application
Depositor岡田 斉(近畿大学)
Strain Status凍結精子のアイコン凍結精子
Strain Availability凍結精子より作出したマウスを2~4ヶ月以内に提供可能
Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
  1. Approval form (Japanese / English)
  2. Order form (Japanese / English)
  3. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
  4. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)

Genotyping protocol -PCR-

BRC mice in Publications

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