Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC00905
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameC57BL/6-Tg(dLck-GFP)1Naka/Rbrc
Former Common nameC57BL/6J-Tg(dLck-EGFP), dlck-GFP Tg
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainC57BL/6JJcl
Strain development2001年、中山俊憲先生、千葉大学大学院免疫細胞医学
Strain descriptiondistal lck promoterの制御のもとでEGFPを発現するマウス。
Colony maintenance野生型マウスと同様。

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
GFPGreen Fluorescent Protein (Aequorea victoria)UNlck distal promoter, human growth hormone enhancer
  • severe combined immunodeficiency due to LCK deficiency(MedGEN)
  • GHGrowth hormone polyA (human)UNGH
  • severe combined immunodeficiency due to LCK deficiency(MedGEN)
  • Phenotype

    Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • obsolete no phenotypic analysis(MP:0003012)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    供与核酸distal lck promoter, Jellyfish GFP cDNA, human GH enhancer
    Research applicationFluorescent Proteins/lacZ System
    Immunology and Inflammation Research
    提供条件利用者は事前に寄託者の提供承諾書を得る。未発表の為、最初の一報はNakayama Toshinoriとの共同研究(共著)とする。
    Depositor中山 俊憲(千葉大学)
    Strain Status凍結胚のアイコン凍結胚
    Strain Availability凍結胚より作出したマウスを2~4ヶ月以内に提供可能
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Approval form (Japanese / English)
    2. Order form (Japanese / English)
    3. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
    4. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)
    Lab HP
    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    Yamashita M, Ukai-Tadenuma M, Miyamoto T, Sugaya K, Hosokawa H, Hasegawa A, Kimura M, Taniguchi M, DeGregori J, Nakayama T.
    Essential role of GATA3 for the maintenance of type 2 helper T (Th2) cytokine production and chromatin remodeling at the Th2 cytokine gene loci.
    J Biol Chem 279(26) 26983-90(2004) 15087456